Analysis for Quality Control
Analysis for Quality Control

The element and composition analysis based on quality control plays an important role in daily production and manufacturing, and guarantees quality assurance.

CASfire has a high-quality team of analytical chemistry scientists (Ph.D., Researchers), equipped with advanced high-end and reliable analytical instruments, and provides more accurate, efficient and constructive quality control solutions.
Analysis for Quality Control of raw material before production:
The quality control of raw materials is the source of the final quality assurance of products. However, in actual operation, it is particularly important to monitor the original quality stability of suppliers, even the problem of jerry building. The stability and reliable quality of raw materials are guaranteed through indirect or direct elemental analysis of high-end analytical instruments.

Analysis for Quality Control in production:
In the production activities of enterprises, especially the polymer materials, they need to be compounded for production, which is easy to produce foreign matters. For products with more complex formulas, the foreign matters produced are more diverse, which affects the excellent rate and quality of products. The composition of foreign matters can be quickly determined through the analysis of element and composition, and the reason for the foreign matters produced can be found out specifically to reduce the rate of defective products. At the same time, it can analyze the pollution source and solve the problem of product pollution.

Analysis for Quality control of final products:
The analysis for quality control of finished products is an essential link before product delivery. Through the sampling analysis of finished products and the analysis of defective products, it is ensured that the products can meet customer requirements. For example, the main components in PVC flooring are PVC, calcium powder, etc., and the composition analysis and quality control analysis shall be carried out for the final product or defective product to ensure the proportion of effective elements to ensure its performance. At the same time, the source of raw materials and the monitoring of production process can be ensured through analysis and traceability.

Failure Analysis:
There are many and complex reasons for failure, which may be aimed at the failure of the product itself, such as temporary failure, permanent failure, sudden failure, gradual failure, etc. It may also be natural wear failure, misuse failure, environmental factor failure, etc. Through the analysis of element composition and surface characterization, the failure reason can be found out, and effective improvement can be made to improve the performance and quality of the product.

Why Choose Us?
Decades of experience and achievements, CMA&CNAS accreditation, the scientific research and education platform of the CAS, enable us to provided a comprehensive quality improvement solution, from testing and analysis, research and innovation, education and training to quality assure!