Building Material
Construction Products

Construction products are used in all kinds of large buildings. According to statistics, building fires are the most common and dangerous fire accidents in the world. Fires which endanger human life and property most often occur in buildings.

CASfire is a third-party laboratory with a professional team. We rely on years of technical service experience and provide customers with comprehensive solutions for quality, such as testing, certification, analysis, R&D outsourcing and training.

We work for:

- Fire Testing (Standard: GB8624, EN13501-1, BS476-7, DIN4102-1, ASTM E84)

- Resistance Testing (Standard: GB9978, BS476-20/21/22, ASTM E119, ISO834, EN13501-2)

- Product Certification(CE Marking, UKCA Marking, MED Certification,EPD, HPD)

- Environmental Testing(VOC Testing, Chemical Testing, Antibacterial Testing)

- Physical TestingAging Testing, Mechanical Testing, Acoustic Testing)

- Components AnalysisComponents Analysis, surface Analysis, Quality Analysis

- R&D Outsourcing (Fire retardant, Anti-aging, Anti-bacterial,etc,)

Why Choose Us?
Decades of experience and achievements, CMA&CNAS accreditation, the scientific research and education platform of the CAS, enable us to provided a comprehensive quality improvement solution, from testing and analysis, research and innovation, education and training to quality assure!